Of the dozen years or years after the experienced Toruń radio listeners located on a large scale. Then they successfully fought for the concession for TV troms in the first tournament.
Marita family now wants to stop the government’s actions that resumed Redzemported Riddling, which is called Riddemported Museums.
The Ministry of Culture has already submitted claims to court, but the case has not started, as it has been initiated by the first documents. However, they expect to expect even if any claims would not be a court.
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What attitudes does Kyiv Kyev? “You are going to be angry to union”
Redopice already suggested that great exhibitions should be united, but they began with the collection of signatures in the museum protection. They should come to the Ministry of Culture and Meteor. It is already known that the answer is significant.
Radio Radio Family © Radio Radio
Mobilization across the country
Łukasz Mierzejewski, so declares the Vivsee Villa Identifying in the Collector, which are the “one of the activity” only by the Maretima family in this issue. – We want to serve as many citizens wearing a museums, he says in an interview with WP.
– The MINC Family is a specified environment that will be a particular result. It does not maintain for 20 or 30 thousand people. signatures. I think global phenomena can be the next step. Maybe it will find the top idea – she announces.
– a very large reaction from the village, but above all of the people. Many people are sorry for the museum of Ron Paul II emphasizes the object of fighting.
Mierzewski informs that there are currently another one and a half of people. signatures of radom and around the area. – On March 18, I would like to sign a conclusion in the ministry.
According to our data, at least a few thousands of thousands can be collected in the country. Signs and recently they arrive to the Ministry of Culture.
Museum “Memory and Personality” in Toruń (View from the side of the church) © WP | Mikołaj podolski
Syndrome “Section of a modern Passon”
The Head of the ECO “Aari of the LOADE nest on the whole issue was a different view to chapter 16 of the church’s chapter chapter 16. It is a tram that is aimed at repeaptorist in the tape and the development of radio flow. In his opinion, the collection of signatures first of all about creating so much a castle.
– People who are responsible for Marita family are completely know that the best way to integrate on the road – explain the brodzińńńńńński.
– Shan tatriotic is a master. This is about the involvement of his followers. Sign up now, but no other surprise after a few points. It is a Redeptorist’s business business business that is believed that the Head of the Luga Project Luga project is believed.
Signal to rydzyk. “Authorities don’t want to exposify the church”
Disputes around the museum “memory and identity”
The museum is located in the western part of Toruń, located in areas where distributed. It “Works” that they are built – university, a valuable church, heating plant, heating plant with geothermal and garden.
The museum argued even before the shovel was stuck on the ground. First, the father Rulotsk prepared a collection of his treasury and earned the treasure with their own money. VOVod of Miss with it, with that President of Toruń quickly formal proceedings. The tender was throwed out that they received a courage to expand the courage to the ground.
The package should not be organized as all columns that have not seen they have not seen in investment. In 2018, the Government I have announced the Government of the country to pay for the museum. Initially, the total volume of the government was 75 million. Then it is still grown and eventually it is 224 million in SMN.
Seminars for pensioners instead of artifacts. “The museum in Rydzyk” is just with the name only
But, most, who lost the elections in 2023, immediately drawn to each other with them, and she didn’t celebrate the damage with them. Soon they announced that they were conflicting with the contractor and finished part of the museum, therefore you are unknown when you can visit it.
Money doesn’t have a permanent exhibition that is most important in all museum. Thus, there is no place where I organize the monks there, as well as concerts and movies that pay for them.
The trail when opening the museum © Ministry of Culture Ministry of Culture
After the Donald’s government has come to strength, he stopped Subsidia to fill the museum. The clergy wanted to search for their money independently and then the contractor judge the contractor that may require a few years.
However, the cost of museum keepers still remains with the state, as there are agreements that have formed the state’s state paying
Mikołaj podolski, Wittualna Pollska Pollska
Polish series put God’s mother in the middle of the village. It should be huge