Morujvin is the relatives of the Balphabal. In the Baltic Sea, even in Polish Water, he is a guest, so this is under strict protection. – These animals are observed, small, small and very difficult – said Anddin Jankin Jankin’s professor.
Focoena Focoen is confused with Delfin with Delfin. Adults reach 1.5 meters long and weigh about 60 kilograms. They are drinking with a slightly short, drink, cut into bilateral peninsula, which is different from dolphins with a higher world and stain.
Higher way of genuine life
Morpox has a secret life, only or in small groups of 2-3 people. The size of their small and the ability to stay in water as a result of which these milks are observed and considered very difficult. Therefore, the main information comes on the presence of Persons in the lemon waters from finding dead people in the corners. – Every year, the Polishpank is recorded from one to ten cases, which are registered with diseases, accidents with swimming units or attack on a fishing network. In this context, you are trying to live in here. But these are not accurate information – said the profess. Jan Marrin Węscavsky, Director of the Polish Academy of Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences in SPOT.
In Poland Peal is under a strong protection
As the expert was added, the portam is now guilty in the Baltop Sea, she is the same in the Polish Water, and that is the same under protection. However, this type of fool does not threaten the world.
– has the “minor” status. It’s a lot of in the northern Atlantic Atlantic, the number of which is a few pieces. A large pieces of fragments in the northern sea are about 40,000 people living in the Denmark, ie Dania, Sweden and Norway. Persons viewed in the baltram, mainly came from there and said. He stressed that about the separation speaks of separation, the local population is unfounded. – Only when the Punters get the population in the North Sea, the elderly “were pushed up to the world to introduce new areas. So they go to Baltesi. Most of them appear from Denmark, Germany and south of Swedish, sometimes they go to Poland. And the east gives it to Finland, there are less that they explained. – We know this because we record a few dead people on our coast, on the side of Finland, this is a maximum of a piece of. For comparison – In Northern Seases around the UK, there are about six thousand dead numbers each year, which fully demonstrates the difference of their numbers – added.
They should not be scared of them
Professor węsławski emphasized that Perhashin does not be broken, fear or more, but there is no set protection procedure for these types.
– It has not been threatened throughout the community and individuals appear around Poland – he said. Given the his rules of 2022, it will work out of restrictions, for example, north of the Atlantic framework, which did not fully implement thousands “in the network of networks, in the state of the network. Especially on the order using the specialized devices of a specialized device special device (pinger) or restrictions on the regulation of the network. – The problem is that most Poland fishing will not see Passhach. And suddenly, they are justified to those who thought they thought they think that conflicts. Węsławski. In his opinion, this situation may be with the incurious incorporation in every few years. – Sometimes, it occurs that individuals from Alks, where the large number of their population is large and sustainable. And for the introduction of special protection practices, puts his floor or banning tourism traffic. Similarly, it is written with pieces of fragments – said the ocean. He stressed that nature protection should always be based on reliable information and real threats, not emotions. – Every animal deserves to protect and respect, but we need to be reasonable when active actions are needed and differ in nature in nature.
Simple PoroWin – a picture of Wissantsert methods
Sources of Key photos: shuttostrocket