“Free night ladder has opened the program to open the program between managers and vice president of the President for the observer.
They blocked the trump meeting with zelanski. “Great and beautiful idea”
During the meeting, the former trip was asked to leave the White House, Trump and Vancy criticizing the head of Ukraine. Their reporter in the United States relationship with Ukraine. Agreement on cooperation between both countries is at the extraction of expensive items.
James Austin Jason, played in Donald Trump, Hello, the President and the Director General of Gaza and Casino Hotel. I want to welcome the President Zelanski in this amazing trap. It will be a good and beautiful trap and we will soon attack it for no reason.
The rest of the video article
How to recognize Russian spouts? “A Higher interview, foreign interview is invisible”
Then Johnson added as a trump: – President Wellsk, you may like Mr. Putin, and apologize to the Russian attack and apologize to the Russian attack. Maybe you can send him one night with your wife.
When Memaye’s Day is trolled as Zells, he stopped her as a gift, “I’m sorry” Now Yang Yang as Vane. – What? I will not interrupt here because it’s how we planned. What happened to “thank you? You remember “Thank you”? You didn’t tell us that “Thank you” in the last 15 seconds, when I gave you.
“You’ve never said that we are beautiful”, we are in a willingly guardian by “SNL”. Johnson added as Trump: – Ties to be honest, minutes in the minute.
In the plan, the Trump returned to the Russians “bad” that had a little experienced in Ukraine “at Google Maps.” Pay attention to the main funding for the US World War, Vithaged, “You will not find anything.” You lose. Good morning, sir.
Trump Zoneki neglected and said in a career: – Who comes to the white house that comes in a waste?
Lavrov pointed to the Trump and Zoneki Meeting. This is what US President is called
The care of the musk also looked like. The role of President Donald Trump and amazing billioners played by Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike. She closed a shirt and shirt. Therefore, Zelanski is not the only person who did not accept his claim for a moderate management. – We love your clothes. Very official and respect – the trump was prepared by muscles in guardians “SNL”.
The interview brought with him and saw one crop. It is a reference that a billionaire is the end of the CPAC conference at the starting phac stage. The opening of the observer showed the US mutual labeling costs.
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