The Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine said on Thursday that Russian forces shot dead six Ukrainian soldiers who were captured in the Donetsk region. An investigation has been launched into this incident. Ukraine’s human rights ombudsman Dmitry Lubinets said the lack of accountability means that such crimes “have become systemic.”
“According to the initial reports, during the attack on the positions of the Ukrainian army in the Donetsk region, the invaders captured six soldiers and then shot them. (…) Investigative work is ongoing to determine all the circumstances of the commission of this crime and the persons responsible for this incident. committing it.” – said the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine on Thursday in a Telegram message.
“The recording stops when the seventh soldier is lying on the ground”
Human rights ombudsman of Ukraine Dmitry Lubinets said that in recent months another video of the execution of Ukrainian prisoners of war has been shown on the Internet.
Ukrainian soldiers of the 24th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Donetsk
“In the recording of the invaders, they recorded their crime – the shooting of six captured Ukrainian soldiers. The recording ends when the seventh soldier is lying on the ground. His fate is unknown,” the spokesman wrote in Telegram.
Lubinets noted that this recording shows how each captured soldier was shot in front of his comrades. The Russian army ordered them to “sleep and shut up.” Later, as Lubinets reports, the Russian can be seen shooting the prisoners.
The killing of prisoners of war violates the Geneva Conventions and is classified as a serious war crime. “Lack of accountability has caused crimes to become systemic,” said the human rights ombudsman.
Source of main photos: 24th mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine