Barbara Nowacka posted on her social media an entry referring to the settlement between the Ministry of National Education and the Mieszczzankowskis, who sued the ministry’s former management for violating their personal rights. It concerned the content of the book that was the basis of the subject introduced by Przemysław Czarnek.
“Remember that embarrassing in vitro language in Roshkovsky’s HiT textbook? Today, part of this problem is over,” she said.
Nowaka to the professor. Roshkovsky. “I’m not afraid of revenge or blackmail.”
The Minister of Education, the author of the book, emphasized that the controversy is not yet settled. Wojciech Roszkowski is trying to “blackmail her with lawsuits and demands for more than 600,000 złoty”.
“Classic slap,” she pointed to the so-called strategic lawsuit against public participation. That is, lawsuits brought against people who speak out on important issues in order to create a “chilling effect” and restrict freedom of action.
Barbara Nowacka also said that the subject matter of history and present will be replaced by civics education. “I am not afraid of Mr. Roshkovsky’s revenge and intimidation. There is no place for exclusion and contempt in the educational world!” – she said.
“At the Ministry of National Education, we share the opinion of Mr. and Mrs. Mieszczynkowski that the personal rights of the couple who underwent IVF, as well as their children, were violated.Today, we conclude the case. A settlement was signed. “The conflict began during the PiS regime,” she concluded. In the attachment to her entry, she also cited the content of a previously released Ministry of National Education statement on this issue.
strike. The Ministry of National Education and the Mieszczzankowskis reached an agreement.
On Wednesday, the Ministry of National Education posted on its website regarding the conclusion of the legal dispute between the ministry and the Mieszczzankowskis, who sued the ministry under the provisions of Law and Justice for violations of personal rights related to the introduction. A statement has been published. Providing HiT textbooks written by professors to schools. Wojciech Roszkowski.
Plaintiffs did not like the content contained in this book, particularly the fragments pointing out deficiencies in in vitro methods. “According to the plaintiffs, the contents of the book violated the honor and dignity of people born in this way and their parents,” read a press release from the Ministry of National Education.
Both parties, the Mieszczyńkowskis and the new Ministry of Education leadership, agreed that such content should not be taught. The book suggested that the IVF method was flawed.
History and Present is a subject introduced in secondary schools during the United Right regime. His teaching lasted only two years.
Mr. Nawloki, in “Guest of Events”, said about the harsh language used in the public forum: I am concerned. I always try to calm down/Porsat News/Porsat News