Today's weather. Friday, December 20 will bring us mostly cloudy weather with some rain. Thermometers show 5 to 7 degrees Celsius. The wind is blowing stronger in some places.
The sky in Poland on Friday will be mostly cloudy with moderate to heavy clouds, and light and short rains may occur in places. It will rain only in the eastern regions until noon. Up to 5-10 centimeters of snow may fall in the Tatra mountains. Thermometers show temperatures from 5 degrees in the east to 7 degrees in the western and central regions of Poland. A moderate and very strong wind blows from the west, with a speed of 50-70 kilometers per hour.
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Biometeorological conditions
Air humidity ranges from 70-80% in the west and south of Poland to 90% in the north-east. It's getting cold all over the country. Unfavorable biometeorological conditions occur.
Biometeo conditions at
Today's weather – Warsaw
On Friday, it will be mostly cloudy with clear rain and light rain in Warsaw. The thermometer shows a maximum of 7 degrees Celsius. A moderate and very strong wind blows from the west. The pressure will increase and reach 995 hPa in the afternoon.
Today's weather – Tricity
Here there are heavy clouds, clear rain and rain and snow. The thermometer shows a maximum temperature of 6 degrees. A moderate and very strong wind blows from the west. The pressure will increase, in the afternoon the residents of Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot will see 1003 hPa in the barometers.
Today's weather – Poznań
Cloudy weather and light rain in Poznań. The thermometer shows a maximum temperature of 7 degrees. The pressure will increase, it will reach 1000 hPa in the afternoon.
Today's weather – Wroclaw
The sky is mostly cloudy and it is raining. Light rain and drizzle are also possible. The weather in Wroclaw is 7 degrees and very strong and even strong winds are blowing from the west. The pressure will rise and reach 998 hPa in the afternoon.
Today's weather – Krakow
Today in Krakow, the weather is cloudy and light rain is expected. Thermometers in the capital of Malopolska show a maximum temperature of 6 degrees. The wind will be moderate and very strong from the west. The pressure will increase and reach 986 hPa in the afternoon.
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