Police provided the rest of the balloon, probably a meteorological who appeared in Tryshort in Tryshort. The words of the fireman reported that he wore that he was written with Cyrillic. This is another thing to prevent voivodissadisss with Russia.
The height of a balloon was detected on the forest on the forest in the forest in the forest in the forest in the forest in the forest in the forest in the forest in the forest.
– Whether we learn a meteorological plague and for what purpose he learned in our area, we will study on the subject – said the tournament.
One spokesman for the brig of the Majlisi Millennium. Gradorz Russia has announced that within the framework of police assistance, meteorological ballots were checked by a chemical trick.
Com. BaliSka said she could not approve the information about the writing, because the police work still continue. “We need to study that this is the trickel or other other characters.”
Not this object
Previously, the rest of meteorological ballots appeared for measurement, temperature and humidity, in rows of others under Ełk, sastódda.
Subject to proud slatest loyalty with the Kingdom of Russia. There is a meteorological center near Königsberg. From the release location to the ground, the balcony can travel more than 200 km in solid winds.
Also read: they found the worm objects
Sources of Key photos: shuttostrocket