During the press conference in the joint andry-joint base and andrys was an extraordinary event. President Donald Trump hit the microphone that surprised the sudden surprised among the collector journalists. After a short-term silence, one of the reporter continued.
Trump hit the conference. Responding to the distance
Trump, looked at the journalist that asked the question. “You have organized a large theme for a large theme,” said the President of the United States today. He added that the whole situation will certainly go to TV.
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When Trump responded to the question about the release of hostages from Gaza. At that time, he hears a better manner, the microphone, “the bustle of sounds – she hit his mouth and an intense. The microphardic operator in this case apologized.
– Did you see that? Trump explained to the journalist.
It is unknown that the microphone operator has or at which parking. The event was quickly found a fame on the Internet, which has caused various reactions. Some consider the situation funny, others as disrespect to the head of the state.
Charllie Kirk, Foundation and Director General of the US Department of State written on the X.: “These people are compared to comparison and respect.” Many supporters praised his response, including Kirko, stated that the President was talking with grace. “