I wondered if the people who manage Americans today will be in Washington in 90s in the 90s, Poland in the 90s. I have no doubt that no – he is in the “facts after the” facts “in the US veterin ‘Amnuz Radziwinowici.
Дар Украина, дар Украина, дар “далелҳо” дар Tynnizer дар Россия дар Россия Wacław Radziwinows ва собиқ Сафири Ҷғаи Ҷина Regandz-ро ифода карданд.
– Listening to the United States, I wondered if the people who manage today are in Washington in the 90s in the 90s, Poland will be in the 90s. I’m not doubtful for it. And this is not a matter of bad will, but the fact that the fact that in the logics of thinking these people do not get a place to receive new members to NATO. Now the idea is an impressive idea, the agreement of the great powers to order the world.
Also see: four sources about that Zelanski told Trump
Wacław Radziwinows and Janusz Reedtertagn24
As the former U.S. Department of the United States, which in the 1990s, NATO “NATO the” price of another use the basic. ”
– Nothing out of it. (…) We have many reasons that the consequences of this European and that it is good at our geopolitical location, they become dangerous – he said.
Rating: Ukrainian land cannot be considered as an expression of realism
The Ambassador of the former Poland noted that “signals” are worried, but not only concerns the Ukraine itself. ” – Russia has a long time for security architecture in Europe. To this requirement, America must answer the “no”. I waited this from Washington, “he said.
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According to him, “the original phrase recognized that Ukraine has lost the territory and will not restore them.” – Everyone knows that Ukraine is easily returned these areas easily, but at the same time everyone knows that all boundaries have been strong. If they were illegal, the losing the Ukraine is not calculated as a word as a word. This is not possible to describe this as reality – he stressed.
Putin’s dream scenario has been performed “
On the other hand, Wacław radziwinens was rated “Putin’s dream scenario” is performed. “I’m afraid that in turn is written from our views of Putin and Trump, the scene of Putin and Trump.
– apparently pay attention to the fact that they will focus on the German and a major thing for Putin to meet with Putin in Czerwony. Chinese leader has already announced that he will be there. For Putin will be the double victory – he said.
What did Putin’s use troms? Radziwinowicz: Rest for the Russian economy, you can get to him
What profit did Putin?
Long-term tourers in Russia also evaluated the potential benefits of Trump’s conversation. He obtained legitimate, therefore he has a person who makes his hand vibrated and accepts invitations. It’s impossible, but it is that it looks. He also won a heavy resting for the Russian economy. A moment after dialogue between Trump and Putin, the Russian Sharip market, obtained about seven percent – said Ravanwinowicz.
– They have already seen the bad people who will also begin to open economic prospects. They see the war came to them, just added the guests added “facts after the facts added.
Source of Key Photo: Pap / EPA / Maxim Plaidkov