Ukraine launched a series of new attacks on enemy positions in the Kursk region in western Russia. “The Russians are very worried,” wrote the head of the Ukrainian Center for Combating Disinformation on Telegram. The head of the presidential office confirmed the news about the new attack and wrote that “good news” comes from the Russian region. Ukrainian forces have been controlling a part of Kursk region for five months.
“The Russians are very worried in the Kursk region, because they attacked several parts of the front that they did not expect,” Andriy Kovalenko, head of the Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, told Telegram. on Sunday.
“The armed forces are working,” added Kovalenko. His reports were confirmed on the same platform by Andrey Yermak, the chief of staff of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky. “Good news. Russia will get what it deserves,” the politician wrote.
Reuters reported that according to Russia’s statement, Ukraine attacked the village of Berdin at 7 am Polish time. For the attack, the Ukrainian forces were supposed to use two tanks, one mine sweeper, twelve armored vehicles and paratroopers.
Ukraine’s attack on Russian territory
Ukrainian troops entered the Kursk region on August 6, 2024. It was then explained that one of the goals of their attack was to force the Russians to move part of their forces from the Donbass in eastern Ukraine. At the end of August, Kiev controlled 1,250 square kilometers of the region’s territory, but in September, Ukrainian forces lost the territory as a result of a counterattack by the Russian army.
In November, sources in the Ukrainian army reported that only about 800 square kilometers of Russian territory are under their control.
According to Western sources, more than 10,000 Russians are supporting the Russians in the fighting in the Kursk region. soldiers from North Korea. In a video speech yesterday evening, President Volodymyr Zelensky stated that the enemy suffered heavy casualties near the village of Makhnovka as a result of the fighting on Friday and Saturday. – The Russian army lost up to a battalion of North Korean infantrymen and Russian paratroopers, the president said.
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Main photo source: Wolfgang Schwan / Anadolu/ABACAPRESS.COM/PAP