Wołodymyr Zelanski notifies you of information report on the increase in the number of Russian troops
– Vladimir Putin will increase the number of troops by 150,000. Soldiers can attack Poland and Lithuania from Belarusian territory – Ukraine’s President Voldy Mirzersky said. In his opinion, the Russian dictator did not want to communicate about the ongoing war and appealed to his allies to increase the help of his country.
wołodymyr Zelanski interviewed The Guardian, the UK, whom he said. On the growing threat from the Russian Federation. Referring to reports in the Ukrainian intelligence news, he reported that Vladimir Putin intends to increase the number of army in the 12-15 division this year. – I think it will be around 150,000 people. Additional soldiers – he estimated.
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Additional Kremlin forces are due to come from mobilization and support from North Korea. Zełenski also reported 150,000 of these soldiers with a “high probability” will be trained in Belarus. In this connection, he reminded him that preparations for the Russian invasion also began with the joint “training” of Putin and Araxander Lukashenko.
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Zelanski wondered what would happen if such “training” was carried out this summer or fall. In his opinion, when the army is “prepared” like this, they do not necessarily have to turn to Ukraine. Instead, as he argued, they can go to “Poland or Lithuania.” “They can start doing that,” he said.
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He further stated that Putin did not want dialogue at the end of the war. Otherwise, Russia will not increase its military size, taking into account the economic issues being measured. He also called on international partners to increase spending on Ukraine’s defense and support.
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