Ballon 9 Starting the rocket began twice. A new opportunity to start a mission, and so – in the light spiral appears in our sky – appears in the morning.
The Parking Company has started 9 translating again. Rocket has been translated two instruments to test the space at night – thecope scescope. The mission was suspended due to the unfavorable weather conditions, as well as the problem with one of the devices. However, the mereabouts informed about the new date immediately.
VultEx in the sky – what is it?
According to Kara Viro Vinjiki, author of the blog “with the leader in the stars” was postponed. This means that the morning of Wednesday, about 4,10 Polish time, the rocket will leave the interval base. Your second degree in Poland plans to be planned between Poland 5.26 A 5.32.
If all the time is good, a bright spiral can appear in the sky in the sky. Vortex is the result of a managable generation from Madion 9 from Orbits. It will be created after dropping off fuel residues. Although it can argue, it is completely safe and does not threaten.
Will the air add an observers? Check the weather forecast for tomorrow.
Bright spiral in the sky – sample photo Photo / link / Forum
By head in the stars,
Main photos: Noj / Connectivity / Forum