A European Commission spokesperson said Ursula von der Leyen was suffering from severe pneumonia. The president will not be coming to Poland as the country will hold the EU Council Presidency.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will not visit Poland in connection with Poland’s appointment as EU Council president, European Commission spokesperson Stefan de Keersmaeker said. As he added, the President of the European Commission is suffering from severe pneumonia.
“Chairman von der Leyen canceled commitments (…) in the first two weeks of January,” De Keersmaeker said.
E.C. Ursula von der Leyen is seriously ill
The European Commission President was due to chair an away European Commission meeting scheduled for January 9th and 10th in Poland. Such full Commissioner visits are usually organized in conjunction with the Member State’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union. As part of the Polish presidential inauguration, the government planned such a meeting in Gdańsk.
See also: Poland’s EU Council Presidency. The Deputy Minister set out his priorities.
Due to pneumonia, we will have to reschedule this meeting.
Poland officially took over the EU Council Presidency on January 1st. The presidential inauguration will take place in Warsaw on Friday, with European Council President Antonio Costa expected to attend, but von der Leyen was not scheduled to attend Friday’s gala.
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