Donald Trump has said that if NATO countries do not have enough for their defense, the United States does not defend them. This is not the first time that the US President units the issues of defense costs within the northern Alitururian union. He has already used a similar description in the election campaign.
Donald Trump About Military Supports On Thursday, Military Supports Military Support at Thursday, three high-formal officials of the Congress.
According to the NBC, the President plans to migrate to the United States in Europe to countries with defense requirements.
After a few hours – Thursday after 21 in Poland in Poland – Reuters trapped in the White House, said that the countries of the North Aliyan is not allocated to defend. He added that he was already told to other countries if they had not paid in this area.
“It’s a common sense: They don’t pay them, I will not protect them”, “Trump said in the” Trump in the “Trump in the oval of the” Trump in the “Trump said in the” Trump in the oval of the “Trump in the” Trump in the “Trump”
He assumed that when he had a threat similar to the heads of the Balabometer, she had been criticized, but states have increased their defense costs.
Trump claimed that she accepted about “a good thing”, although he took a “priceless” system, and the United States said about 100 percent.
He also assessed that if in his first period in his first period in Washington, NATO is not available to alans leaders for him and his threats.
Trump said about defense and NATO
This is not the first time that the American leader places the cost of expenditures in the North Atlantic Union.
Read the species24: Trump: You don’t charge, we do not protect. Where is the NATO budget?
Even before the press conference in a press conference on the press conference in the press in Florida, the press was expressed in the press.
When one of NATO leaders protects “their own accounts” protected the minimum cost and should be five percent of expenditures. She asked if she wants to increase defense costs to this level, Trump responded in approval approval.
– Well, I think NOO should have five percent. It cannot be done (protection – ed.) With two per cent. If you have a country that looks at a dangerous area, but if you are in a dangerous area, they may have everything – it should have a five percent.
He suggested to meet the countries that meet these requirements because “it is in life.”
Currently, no NATO government does not spent five percent of GDP in its protection and Poland is the maximum of 4 percent this year. According to NATO, the United States spends about 3.3 percent of GDP.
Reuters explained in January this year this year, according to analysts, which is about 32 members of the Cooper and Economically impossible. “In June 2024, NATO will be achieved about 23 December 23, on the current goal will not succeed for the defense, and nin countries.
In the election campaign, the Theme Trumpel Trumpel. Defense costs are also raised. On February 10, 2024 in the elections said in the elections in the elections in the elections in the elections to reported to one of the heads of the countries of NATO (he has not provided his name). – One of the presidents of the large country asked me: ok, sir, if we do not pay and attack us to Russia? I answered: No, I don’t protect you. I actually encourage them (Russia) to do things that want to work with you. You need to pay – said the next president.
In the next South Ringer Ringer in South Carolina, February 15, Donald Trump supported his position. – I just said: If you don’t pay, we don’t protect you. And all angry that it was so bad that it was so bad that I say so. No, if they don’t pay their responsibilities and often didn’t pay when I was president. There were 28 countries to pay seven participation. Seven are very few, but always something – explained.
Reuters, PAP, Konkret24, Neweke
Source of Key Photo: Pap / EPA