Russian leader Vladimir Putin has returned to the US Presidential Office and has the opportunity to break his international isolation and rehabilitation -journalist and analyst David Kirichinko. The Unian Portal said in quoting the arrangement. hill”.
“Putin wants to help him restore his position internationally. For this purpose, Putin heals trumps into international arenas and enhances domestic and overseas status. I want to devote the foundation of Kirichenko.
War in Ukraine. Putin wants Trump to end Russia’s isolation
As the analyst pointed out, Putin has no choice but to be the US President. He added, “When the Russian economy is balanced at the end of the collapse, President Russia will actively act so as not to provoke Trump, which has already suggested the possibility of worsening sanctions on Russia.” 。
See: Andrzej Duda: Donald Trump is not skeptical of NATO
Kirichenko emphasized that Putin had no intention of negotiating directly with Ukraine and was seeking agreement with the United States instead. “Trump also tries to mediate the peace agreement, but unlike the former U.S. President Joe Biden, who emphasized the principle of” there is nothing about Ukraine without Ukraine, “Trump is likely to seek reconciliation and priority. The degree may deal with his own political goals and views. About diplomacy -he pointed out.
Analyst realized that “President Putin has excluded Ukraine and peaks directly with the United States to strengthen his story about Russia as a superpower in the world.”
“Such negotiations will end his isolation, confirm his claims to the Ukrainian influence zone, and satisfy his desire to present Russia as a power of imperialism that worth respects in the international field. “He concluded.
united states of america. Trump: Talk to Putin
On Friday, US President Donald Trump said he would have a conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
-I talk. Well, we’re already talking, so I think we might do something important. We want to end the war -Trump said when Doug Burgam approved a ceremony for the new Minister of Internal Resources.
See: Wołodymyrzelnski: Putin is trying to operate the peaceful effort of Donald Trump
The President refused to answer the question of whether he had already talked to Vladimir Putin, but he was ongoing “serious” conversations between the United States and Russia and more planned. He said he was.
Spokesman, a reporter at the Kremlin Dmitry Pieskow quoted by TASS AGENCY, said that Russia is ready to interact at the President’s level, but so far has received official signals from Washington. He said not.
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