Kremlin research shows high social support for the war with Ukraine
Despite growing economic hardships and military failures, most Russians support the war with Ukraine. This is the result of an investigation commissioned by the Russian authorities. However, as analysts at the American War Institute have shown, these results, although perhaps unreliable, reflect “the Kremlin views and stories.”
According to a survey managed by the Kremlin, 67% of respondents from the Centre for the Research on History and Public Opinion (VTSVGD) support the war with Ukraine (called the propaganda “special military operations”). The same study was “results” by 65% railways. He believes that the flow of conflict is beneficial to their country.
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Poll director Mychajło Mamonov said Russian society was trying to quickly end the conflict. At the same time, he admitted that he was disappointed due to military failure in the population, especially due to the Ukrainian invasion of the Kruski region, the slow movement of Russian troops through Ukraine, and economic difficulties.
The Kremlin claims that the Russians are for war. ISW: Investigation in question
As Analysts at the American War Institute (ISW) inform us, VTSVGD’s conclusions probably reflect the Kremlin’s views and narrative, and therefore overestimate actual levels of support for war among Russians. You can do it. . It also identifies the important context for this issue.
Importantly, the findings of research favoring Russian authorities appear in the face of an increase in Russian orders related to war, the problems of Russian orders, and the serious economic burden of the Russian economy.
See: The Pope met the young Ukrainians. I appeal to forgive the Russians
However, the “Truth About Ukraine” reminds us that Kremlin authorities continue to increase the social interests of Russian military personnel.
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