“The only right that Belarus expects is a fair trial for aiding and abetting Russian aggression,” Ukraine's Foreign Ministry said. This is a response to Minsk's position that it expects to be at the negotiating table for peace with Ukraine. Belarusian authorities added that they also want to receive security guarantees.
Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs commented on the Minsk authorities' statement, the tsn.ua portal reported. These are the words of Belarusian Deputy Foreign Minister Yuri Ambrazevich, who said that Belarus has the right to participate in peace negotiations.
“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine is surprised by the statement by Belarusian officials that Minsk is seeking a 'table for peace negotiations' where it hopes to obtain 'guarantees of security,'” a spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine said. . Foreign Ministry official Heorgi Tichii said in a statement.
War in Ukraine. Will Belarus come to the negotiating table? Kyiv authorities' reaction
As stated in the statement, Lukashenko's government declared the Russian Federation's full-scale armed invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, contrary to its own constitution, which emphasizes the exclusion of aggression from its territory. He became an accomplice.
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Moreover, according to a spokesperson for Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Russia is currently the only source of real threats to Belarus' security.
“The only thing that Belarusian officials can hope for is a fair trial that will hold the aggressors and their accomplices internationally legally responsible for the crime of aggression against Ukraine,” Tichii added.
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