The Ukrainian forces announced that Russia had launched 171 Dawns in the evening to attack their country. Ukrainian air defenses shot down 75 unmanned 75 people found on top of Kharkov, Portavsky, Sumski, Chitzernihovsky, Chizanihovsky, Kiev, Vitomyersky, Winniki, Kiroraziki, Zapolosky, Zapolosky, Zapolosky, Zapolosky, Zapolosky, Zapolosky, Zapolosky, Zapolosky, Zapolosky, Zapolosky, Zapolosky, Zapolosky, Zapolosky.
Another 63 drones crashed into a remote area where there was no serious damage or loss.
Ukraine attacked the city of Engels in Russia. Military airport is on fire
Kiev remained passive in the attack, and at night attacked the city of Engels, Russia, in the Saratia region. Circuit Governor Roman Bustergin described the event as “the most serious attack on unmanned aerial vehicles in history.”
“All emergency services are still working in an increased mode to eliminate the impact of the event. Local governments have registered all damages that have occurred to the civic facilities in order to take appropriate measures,” Burargin wrote on social media.
See: Russia is denounced Ukraine. He does not accept the attack
Politicians said 30 single families and summer homes were damaged as a result of the attack. Some citizens sought medical assistance.
The governor also asked that the location not be taken care of as he confirmed that a fire had occurred at the military airport. Photos have been featured in the media showing clouds of smoke extracted from around the airport. Local media informed that authorities had begun evacuation of residents.
Ukrainian night clash with Russia. Damaged civilian objects and refinery fires
The drone attack also caused a fire at the Engels refinery. A series of explosions were heard on the spot, and sirens were heard throughout the city. Shortly after the event, the network was flooded with recordings and photographs of smoke and flames coming out of the refinery.
The Russian Ministry of Defense has announced that Moscow forces fired down a total of 132 Ukrainian drones in the evening. Fifty-four unmanned people were shot down in the Saratov district, 40 fell on the Warnek region, 22 on the Rostian oblasts, three on the cruz crusts, three on the annexed Crimea, and one on the Lipiecky ball.
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