Vilnize Vilnize Vilnize (archive video)
Source: Topn24
Now the pedestrians can now use the new passage that are located behind Wileńska. It was created at the request of Prague residents. Because it is horizontally, this is the additional protection. This is 1.5 miles zlotys.
The new passage was marked at the railway levels on the back of the Warsaw wave platforms. According to the railway, the implementation of these tasks by the Ministry of infrastructure, allow the roads to pass through short distance from a short distance from the backet and train.
Pidnish crossing the platform of Warsaw Reboa
Source: Pkp Polskie Linie Kolejownne Sa / Facebook
Short access to platform
Интиқол дастрасиро ба қатора ба қатори WOłomiińińska, алахусус барои сокинони Биłостока ва LALZYYYYńSKA, осон мекунад ва кӯтоҳ мекунад. Besides, it connects key streets Prague Warsha – Biadystok with the watleeka and the difference. The cost of constructing the passage and boiling that lead to the platforms for platforms for platforms for platforms for platforms for platforms.
– Warsawal Warsaw – Vozue is one of the accesses of coverage to the cities near the Warsaw near the Warsaw. A few thousand people use these connections every day. We have had four million zlots jlots in Villnias in Vilnurned Wilnurn Wilnowna, which has a positive impact on the Ministry of infrastructure of the Ministry of infrastructure.
Pidnish crossing the platform of Warsaw Reboa
Source: Pkp Polskie Linie Kolejownne Sa / Facebook
Additional security
The President of Poland Kleljowe Linie Peibow Wyborki noted that was introduced for safety reasons, such as the lips at the passage and speed of train.
Tourists are painted from white using the passages and be red with the beets, and confident that the train can not come from Wałomin and from the Warehouse Waves. To warn the pedestrians, they will be signal for interest (Teaches
Author / author: mg / B.
Source: pap
Main Source: Pkp Polskie Linie Koleie Kolejownne Sa / Facebook