Troving the Grójecka to the West Railway station
Source: Warsaw secrets
Trumps notifying the further challenge of the route to the Western Road station. In the first days of March, the traffic traffic traffic is suspended. Drivers are also different.
The new Trick Migration Circulation Today to control the development manager high high high school. Stancia becomes one of the most important nodes in this city section. Tremely, which is entered directly to the platform area. Now, investment is associated with problems.
“In early February, the Contractor – Consortium of Commands and Branch – Activities of the Grandy Street, including the largest possible passage of communication – including Grand Street “- they are located in the last post of Zravsawa.
Changes in the Bounding Group with Grójecka
Source: Warsaw secrets
Changes for travel and buses
During the first week of the first week, Warsaw transition changes the traffic organization on the tower street – the crossroads with grinoja. Trump Tramp is suspended to the Bausch ring. It’s a short episode – without the Trams Service, a group of station will remain in itself.
Trumpes 1, 14 and 25 and 25 to Baya district. The “one” to P + R “will be expanded. Tress and 25 and 25 and 25 and 25 and 25 and 25. as before, goes to P + R. Krakowska.
Who are the trophy traffic on the Bahapa Street.
Роҳҳои сайёҳӣ барои автобусҳо 154, 157, 167, 191, 208, 198, 414, 414, 525 ва NOCNYCH N01 ва N43 тағир намеёбанд. War Warsaw Warsaw was canceled since 1920. 06 – This is that buses stand to the West Railway station. In turn, the buses have passed from the pre-przysterek war from Warsaw 1920 and are located on the closet street on the closet street.
Дастрасӣ ба Беморхонаи марказии клиникии клиникӣ то ҳол аз ҷониби Бухпа, Павианҷӣ ва кӯчаҳои обӣ ва кӯчаҳои обӣ ва кӯчаҳои обӣ имкон медиҳад (128, 136, 176, 186, 198, 414 ва 504).
Grandjasta -bananacha – absolutely
Source: Infulty
Drivers are also different
Drivers also should also count the changes. Suspectors will cover the road street, now used to ride Warshaw in 1920 – pavys to Greenges. The drivers go on the southern way where they are currently alone to żwirka and wigura. From the Canto at the crossroads with grójeka, you can go in two directions: right, to the Greenhouse street to the center of GRJJASTA. The buses come to the right, so you can’t turn left to left to left to the left to Aleja Krakostska. Lies will bring the streets of pavy and dicks.
Grandjasta -bananach – Change in the Safety Organization
Source: Infulty
Traffic is also registered in a bitszawska-old bitszawska. All relationships are kept for drivers along Warsaw’s watsho. Rules of traffic in Grójecka in which traffic in the field of work is not changing in a way.
After the new organization, the New Organization, the Contractor begins other subsoil completion of the subsoil. Under the cut and all its works are available in several dozen pipes, networks and gaps that should be adapted to a new system, including new, previously abnormal ways. There are a large heating network, water masterpets, gas network, gas networks and television and sanitation networks.
According to the applicable law, appropriate distances must be kept between the elements of the substance and land. All devices are adjusted due to changes in the system of communication on land. Recovery takes into account the current consumption. Thanks to comprehensive work, a risk of this important interaction and new infrastructure is made by failure.
Upon completion of the underground, the construction of a new tracking system begins. Tracking crossroads are created here – so the fullest star – to promote the movement of a trip in all directions. Depending on the emergence of new trapping relationships, it is also necessary to adapt the degradation, electricity control channels and electricity.
“Organizing traffic on Granjecka streets, the Warsaw War, and the ban will be associated with the heavy highlights or Warshe Wars, as well as the namutka and the building is also repaired. Curs and Warsaw Wars will be repaired. This requires a problem for passengers. Warsaw.
The new way of tram
As part of the investment, a 1.6 km route will be built by a 500 meters trunchard of the West Road. The end underground station is connected with Eckalator and the lift directly with the underground crossing as part of the work at the railway station.
Changes in the Bounding Group with Grójecka
Source: Warsaw secrets
According to the evaluation, more than 1.2 million passengers will benefit from the new route from the new route. Tram despite the conditions of motion takes passengers and takes passengers. Travel time with tram to Grinka five minutes, the narutowicza squares 10 minutes and to the vegetable station – 15 minutes.
The route to the West Railway station is part of the stance that connects to IE a reservation, prepared to engineers and Willo too. Investment is divided into stage due to the scale – some have already operate, some are developed and some designs.
Author / author: katke / b.
Source of Key Photo: Warsaw tricks