Nursing children in Lake Cantern in Warsaw
Source: Internet / Allt24 user
A dangerous situation in Lake Czerniokiki. Adults entered the frozen surface with three children. It didn’t be discouraged
Photo Kenternium Lake sent to Contact Education Department24 Internet users. As he said he saw a woman who saw a woman with three children. According to the author of the photos, they were not the only individuals on which the day was going to go in frozen reservoirs.
“Ман мехостам ба падидаи хатарнок диққат диҳам, яъне калонсолони кӯчаҳои Кантернияки Кесернияро дар кӯлҳои яхкардашудаи Кантерния, яъне яхбандӣ ва бештари он гудохта, ва кӯдакон дар болои ях нест. Мавзӯъ, зеро ин беқурбшавии шадид аст, ҳамон қадар ҳарорати он мерӯяд, “муроҷиат кард .
The photo indicates that the ice is already the water. In the few places he almost completely melts. On the left side of the pedestrian disappeared that the group of soldiers could enter water. It may indicate that the remaining layer of gray does not thick.
“There’s no existing ice”
At the end of January we have informed about a similar situation here. An Angler did the level of melting of the Kenternium Lake. Also, there was a positive temperature on that day and the water gathered around the man.
“The use of frozen water reservoirs shall not be granted to this legal prohibited late.
Supply Langionowo’s help also been informed before entering the frozen pools and lakes. “No cable mode doesn’t exist. We have the opportunity to test the thickness and structure, including the ability to load on all places, and said in the social media.
Five degrees in plus, water in ice. A lonely angler in the middle of Lake Czerników
Source: Arturn WęGzynowicz /
Author / author: kk
Source: Contact.
Main photos: Internet user / 1