They have been stolen about 100,000. Police defeated the stolen group
Source: krp vi
The police will deny information about the number of vacancies in the capital, which record the law and justice. 2650 years old are not more than 10,000. Only there is only 1068 cops at the moment.
On Monday, the powers of the legislation and justice was held a press conference on the fact that the migration package. Markyisyisian Pi Head of Damiieisyisian Pad Club stated that the security level has decreased and the introducing parents will make the situation worse. According to this situation, he added that there are “empty awards” in the capital police.
Two weeks ago, at the conference at the conference, the powers of legislation and justice, affect them, which affects the safety of the country’s residents.
During the survey, the police spokesman, the observer judge of the Majlisi Sholder, the Old Assembly said there was 2668 in the captives of 968.
The main warranty when providing a stadium game
Source: KSp
In turn, the Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administrative Czeczekek in January is an agency that is estimated “about 13.5 thousand jobs” on the national scale. “
The President of Warsaw Rafa Tagski, recently released about security issues in the city, the Warsaw’s Warsaw “program in the capital’s Capital. In the context of criminal crime estimates, the city’s city’s civilian authorities have been aware of this and together with the Ministry of Internal and Administrative Ministry. Trziskskski noted that the police receive a new subsidiary for additional patrols, and the officers receive new equipment, a monitoring and security center will be strengthened.
Purchase and home for the capital police
It also said about the capital of Solda, the city and the President all do things to support police. – Every year millions of Zlots zlots from the city budget, in a row of controlled patrols and so far, attacks to encourage officers to serve in the capital. We can do so, we remember that the police to the President or Local Government “, he added.
Warsaw is funded to purchase equipment and vehicles for KSp
Source: Ewelina Lak / Department of Warsaw Warsaw
In 2018-2024, the city allocated about $ 40.5 million for KSp. In 2024, this amount was from $ 7.5 million. It was together, Among the opposition, gifts for future horses. The city of experts bought: cars, troplers for horses and cars for the transfer of services, as well as bicycle. It also financed or cooperated by ICT equipment, medical equipment and the police.
Warsaw is funded to purchase equipment and vehicles for KSp
Source: Ewelina Lak / Department of Warsaw Warsaw
In 2025, the city wants to rent 30 loneles that rent uniform uniform services. There are a total of 34 places where most of them are in the jo.
In February, the capital’s counters, which died about paying one or to the children of the residence.
Author / author: kk
Source: pap
Source of major photos: KSp