City Guard with new savings equipment (video since January 2022)
Source: City Guard
A man who was born with diabetes in the bank area. Falling, he hit his head tightly in the metal waste box. She is likely to be a brain strike. The rewards – patrol of Dushanbe were vigilant. The victim promoted by an employee of a high staff of qualified assistance.
A dangerous situation on Tuesday, March 18.30 occurred. The city gward describes that in interference in the place of placing a woman who paid a woman who paid a woman to the city in front of the urban homes. The officer who has been addressed by the victim’s ranking to the victim.
The man hurts his head
“With a heavy metal garbage, he poured out of the mount of 60 years of age. The Watch starting the electricity” says the city says the city says.
A young man spent on the third year of the third year of the emergency medicine, soon joined the guard. “Онҳо ба монанди дастаи ҳамоҳанг карда шуданд. Ду, онҳо хунрезиро вайрон карданд ва ин ҳайрат мондааст, ки нишонаҳои зарбаи баданро ба вуҷуд оварданд. Ҳангоме ки ӯ ба замин афтод, ба замин афтод. Онҳо мегӯянд, ки ӯ ба замин афтод.
The man has been provided with a warm blanket. The victim’s victim received the hospital.
Male in a bank area
Male in a bank area
Source: Munuary Munard’s Guard Warsaw Warsaw
Male in a bank area
Source: Munuary Munard’s Guard Warsaw Warsaw
Male in a bank area
Source: Munuary Munard’s Guard Warsaw Warsaw
100 guards with a qualification of salvation
“In Warsaw’s 100-US dollar Guard has been able to have the right to rescue. Last year, guards have been transferred to health and life suddenly saved.
Author / author: kk
Source of the main photos: city of the capital of the capital Warsaw Warsaw