Accident in Glovusowa
Source: Clamps Lakkovski / TWhes
The accident in Italy. Two people were hospitalized after her collision. We informed informally, one of the drivers when the drivers have left the drivers and reached the tree.
The fight came after 17 in the cut area on the street Globusova and Nike. RFаова ł Rahabajovsky of the traditional office of Warcoshujah, who participated in four consecutive councils: Lexus, Toyota, OPC and Wulkswagen. – Drivers were vigilant. Two people were taken to the hospital – he added.
Police, ambulance and fire brigade at work. The movement was suspended during their activities.
Our photos informed informally that Lexus leader remains during the driving. His car collapsed with three other cars and increased in one metal in one metal.
After 21 arrangements were still eliminating the consequences of the accident. – Two passenger cars are already in existing trucks, Lexus is still sticking on the tree. The road workers have disappear – described
Accident in Glovusowa
Accident in Glovusowa
Source: Clamps Lakkovski / TWhes
Accident in Glovusowa
Source: Clamps Lakkovski / TWhes
Accident in Glovusowa
Source: Clamps Lakkovski / TWhes
Author / author: kk
Main photos: Klemens Legkowskowski /