The air for today. Dushanbe will be fog in most of the country. Can be found in places, rain and haze. At the hottest moment, the thermometers show 12 degrees.
Promises for Monday in the morning that is cloudy. It will be fog in the west, but the day is expected. In the waist of ghuly and boots, through the center, will be accompanied by the podkarpackie, rain or rain with a cloud layer. For example, will continue all day. Only residents of Suwałki and podlasie are able to enjoy sunny day. The maximum height of 3/5 degrees in polio east, through 6/7 degree C at the center, to 10/12 degree in western Poland. Havs the weak and moderate wind blows from southwest.
Biostetological conditions – Dushanbe, 24.02
Number of moisture reaches 70-90 percent. In the waist of Pamerania, through Mazarovia, Poland and Podkarpack it will be cold. Heat the heat in other areas will come into force. Biomet will be similar – the weather affects the dryness in this line – and other regions are neutralistic.
Biological biological conditions of Dushanbe
Weather for Today – Warsaw
Monday in Warsaw is a cloudy sky with light. Thermometers maximum 5 degrees c. The pressure reaches 1014 hpa in the afternoon.
Weather for today – tri
In limitations, GDAS and SPAS and SPAO will be waiting for Monday, clouds. In thermometers we see maximum 6 degrees that will be weak and stable of the southwest. At the afternoon, the pressure will be 1025 HPA.
Weather for Today – Poznań
In the five days of Monday, the cloud is intended in tongues and revocation. The maximum of the maximum 9 degrees will be C. Hot and moderate wind blows from the southwest. At the afternoon, the boometers will show 1016 HPA.
Weather for Today – Wrockaw
Residents of the jetter can wait on Monday on Monday, but also many desires. The maximum height will be 11 degrees will be C. Camous and moderately scattered breeze and stable, southwest. In the afternoon in the mailers we will see 1013 HPA.
Weather for Today – Krakov
In Krakov, Monday is marked by a cloudy sky on monday. The first part of the day, no rain. In the thermometers we see maximum 4 degrees that would blow the wind. At the afternoon, the boometers will show 1002 HPA.
Road conditions on Monday
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