The air for today. 28.03 He promises that the clouds, but the sun are. Temperature can be up to 17 degrees. The slightest wind increases the mountains.
Friday brings a small and moderate abdomen in western country. We look forward to the center of the center and in the east. The thermometers will show from 13-14 degrees in the Suvłic region, for 15-16 degrees, at the center, up to 16-17 degrees C in the west of 16-17 degrees C. The wind will cause weak and moderately, southeast. In the mountains of the Tatar and Bieszczady, will accelerate 40-50 kilometers per hour.
Weather for the five
Biometo conditions on Friday
The type of weather will remain during the day within 40-60 percent. We feel warm and biometo conditions will be impartial.
Bioometo conditions in Pią
Weather for Today – Warsaw
In Warsaw, Friday to be marked by the sun and the absence of rain. The thermometers show up to 15-16 degrees, the weak and modery wind is displayed. The pressure will be at the afternoon 1004 hpa and falls slowly.
Weather for Today – Gdańs, Gdyyia, Sopot
Friday in Gdjenia, Gdańs and Sopton promises to be happy. In the thermometers up to 15-16 degrees, we see C. weak and moderate swimming from the southwest and south. The pressure will be at the afternoon 1015 HPA will be and slow down.
Weather for Today – Poznań
In the barnoon, we can wait for aura and the sunny sunny. Temperature up to 15-16 degrees will increase C. Poor and stable, southern eastern oil. The pressure will be 1002 hpa in the afternoon and falls slowly.
Weather for Today – Wrockaw
It promised to promise that is Friday and sunny day. The temperature reaches 15-16 degrees that the wind will be slow and moderately east and east. Pressure will be 1003 hpa in the afternoon and falls slowly.
Weather for Today – Krakov
It will be in Krakov on Friday. In the thermometers up to 15-16 more than 15-16, seeing up to 15-16 degrees that are very strong, it will come from the east. The pressure will be 987 hpa in the afternoon and falls slowly.
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