The air for today. Monday 24.03 clouds over the whole Poland. Most country, most of the country shows rain. In therometers, we see 9 to 15 degrees.
Monday the sky on the Poland is wrapped in the moli cloud of shrubs. A moderate and large beach will usually continue with rain – only in Pamerania, Kuverhany and Gorzopar region. In other regions, the square metery of rain to 5 liters of rain falls in the podkarpacheie, up to 10 pound l. The storms can be found in the carchatia.
Temperary temperature exceeds 9 degrees Sughd, up to 12 degrees C at the center of the country up to 15 degrees, up to 15 degrees, up to 15 degrees, in southern Poland. The north, weak and moderate.
Weather for Monday
Biomrological terms
During the day, the existing weather conditions of the country consists of more than 90 percent in the southern regions of the country in more than 90 percent in the southern regions of the country. Gulg is the heat comfort in all Poland, but it will be humid. Neutral Biomet will be only on the south pole in adverse conditions.
Biometo conditions on Monday
Weather for Today – Warsaw
The Silk Silk is predicted with fast rainfall in Warsaw. In the thermometers we see maximum 11 degrees that the northern wind, weak and moderate. The radometers indicate in noon 999 hpa.
Weather for today – tri
Gaidi residents, gdyass and nozzot covers a silk enemy. It will be a maximum height of 10 degrees C. will be weak and stable from northwest. In the evening we will see 1014 HPA.
Weather for Today – Poznań
Heaven will be cloudy on Monday and repeated. Thermometers 12 degrees C. from northwest, the weak and moderate wind is reduced. The pressure will be 1002 HPA in the afternoon.
Weather for Today – Wrockaw
In the robbery, on Monday is cloudy. The rain came to briefly over the day. The temperature will strengthen the maximum of 14 degrees that the wind will be the north, weak and moderate. Pyrameters show 997 hpa in the afternoon.
Weather for Today – Krakov
Monday, clouds and rain in Krakov. In thermosters we will have 15 degrees, C. Happy smelling and stable from Northwest. At the afternoon, pressing reaches 985 HPA.
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