The air for today. Saturday, 15.03, indicated in most of the country. The low rainfalls appear locally with snow and snow. Thermometers are displayed to 9 degrees.
On Saturday, we can trust the Aura. Only in the south and southeast of the country it will be cloudy. The spread of the snow with up to 5 liters of water per square meter occurs up to 5 cm, especially in kapts. Temperature of 4-5 degrees will be 4-5 degrees in Kasubia, up to 7 degrees c in the center of the country, after 8-9 degrees will be 8-9 degrees in West Pomerania and Lubcoy land. The wind will be north-east, weak and stable.
Weather on Saturday
Biometo conditions on Saturday
The highest roater is marked in the south – it will increase by 90 percent. Closer to the north, it reaches 60 percent. We will be cold all over the country. Advicted the most unfavorable biomet is preferred in the southern state and proves neutral.
Bioomette conditions in sobotętę
Weather for Today – Warsaw
The head promises to rejoice in Warsaw. The maximum temperature will be 7 degrees C. Northeast, weak and moderate. Eliminating it will be 1006 HPA in the afternoon.
Weather for Today – Gdańs, Gdyyia, Sopot
The GDASK, GDYIA and SOPOT, the Sabbath will be sunny. The thermometers will be up to 5 degrees in therometers. Thee-eastern letter will be very little and moderate. Mercy adds to the afternoon it reaches 1021 HPA.
Weather for Today – Poznań
In the poop, we can dedicate a judge. The temperature would be up to 7 degrees C. compatibility, weak and stable. Eliminating is growing in the afternoon it reaches 1008 HPA.
Weather for Today – Wrockaw
In the robbers, Aura Aura waits for Saturday Saturday. The maximum temperature will be 7 degrees C. East, weak and moderately. Eliminating is growing in the afternoon it reaches 1002 HPA.
Weather for Today – Krakov
Saturday in Krakov Hoperly hoping the signs of clouds, the cycles with the snowbrush. Thermometers show at least 4 degrees that the wind will be north-east. Proveasing it will be 990 hpa in the afternoon.
Work conditions on SacotęTę
Main photos: RSOLL / Adobestok