Today’s weather. On Sunday, January 5, the weather will be cloudy all over Poland. It is snowing and raining during the day and the road conditions are difficult. We feel the cold in all regions.
On Sunday, the sky in Poland is cloudy. Up to 4-8 centimeters of snow fell in the western and south-western regions of the republic, in the center and south of Poland – up to 1-3 centimeters in the afternoon and evening. In the afternoon in Lower Silesia and Lubus region, snow will turn into snow, and it will rain up to 10 liters of water per square meter. Attention, the road conditions will be difficult!
The maximum temperature in Podlasie will be from -2 degrees to 0 degrees in the center of Poland to 1 degree in the west. The wind blows from the south, moderate and very strong. In Western Poland, the wind speed reaches up to 60 kilometers per hour, and in Sudetenland up to 80 kilometers per hour.
Weather on
Biometeorological conditions
During the day, air humidity in the central, eastern and northern regions ranges from about 80 percent to more than 90 percent in the south-west of Poland. It’s getting cold all over the country. There will be neutral biometeorological conditions in the north-east and unfavorable conditions in the south-west.
Biometeo conditions at
Today’s weather – Warsaw
On Sunday, there will be moderate and heavy clouds in Warsaw. The maximum temperature will be 0 degrees Celsius. In the afternoon, barometers show 1001 hPa.
Today’s weather – Tricity
A cloudy Sunday is forecast in Gdansk, Gdynia and Sopot. Thermometers show temperatures up to 0 degrees Celsius, with a slow and moderate south-westerly wind, sometimes very strong. The barometer shows 1010 hPa at noon.
Today’s weather – Poznań
Skies in Poznan will be cloudy on Sunday with snow showers in the afternoon and evening. The thermometer shows a maximum temperature of 0 degrees, the wind will be moderate and very strong from the south. The pressure will reach 999 hPa in the afternoon.
Today’s weather – Wroclaw
Sunday in Wrocław will be full of clouds and snow in the afternoon. The maximum temperature will be -1 degree. A moderate and very strong wind blows from the southeast. Barometers show 995 hPa at noon.
Today’s weather – Krakow
A cloudy Sunday is also expected in Krakow. It will snow in the afternoon and evening. Thermometers show a maximum of -1 degree Celsius. The wind is moderate, blowing from the south. At noon, the pressure will be 987 hPa.
Main image source: Adobe Stock