The air for today. It will be cloudy and windy on Sunday. It can rain in the fields with snow. In therometers we see 3 to 8 degrees.
We are waiting for our cloud Sundays. In some places in the north and northern snowfall, the snowfall has decreased. The temperature exceeds 3-4 degrees in the northeast and the east, it will be up to 5-6 degrees, at the center of the country, to 7-8 degrees in the West. It blows a moderate and very strong wind from the west and northwest. In the north, his games will accelerate 60 kilometers per hour.
Weather in NewsilhamhnetsMourne
Biodological conditions – Sunday, 2.03
Number of moisture reaches 70-80 percent. We feel. Biomet will be neutral across the country.
Biology Terms of Red
Weather for Today – Warsaw
The Sunday, a cloudy sky will perform in Warsaw. Thermometers show maximum 5 degrees C. West, weak and moderate. The pressure reaches 1013 HPA on afternoon.
Weather for today – tri
In GDjia, Gdańs and Sopesk and SOPOs waiting for cloudy cloudy and self-sacrificing with snow on Sunday. In thermostets we see maximum of 6 degrees where the wind and the wind is thrown from the west. At the afternoon, pressure will be 1024 HPA.
Weather for Today – Poznań
In the five Sunday, foretold, foretold. It will be a maximum of 7 degrees for secondary c. medium and very strong periods from northwest. At the afternoon, the boometers will show 1018 HPA.
Weather for Today – Wrockaw
The residents of the junior can wait, but as well as for the cutting of Sunday. The maximum amount of 7 degrees falls in C. Normal and very strong shell from northwest. In the afternoon in the mailes we see 1015 HPA.
Weather for Today – Krakov
In Krakow, Sunday is marked with a cloudy sky with cleaning. In the thermomingers we are maximum 5 degrees C. The weak and modered wind is scattered. At the afternoon, the boometers show 1001 HPA.
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