The weather today, IE Thursday, 27.03. Thanks to the roum in most of the country it will be happy and warm. Only in the rest of the south will be a low rainfall. Thermometers get up to 15 degrees.
Thursday brings cloudy, but will be cleaned and irrigated in the northern military and in the second half of the military and irrigation will also be irrigated. The podkarparpackie, Lublin, Series and Polish Series, the heavy rains will occur. Термометрҳо дар минтақаи Суверс ҳадди аксар 10 дараҷа дар минтақаи Суғдки ва дар сатҳи камтар аз 12 дараҷа, дар маркази кишвар то 15 дараҷа, дар замини Ластусс ба 15 дараҷа, 15 дараҷа, аз 12 дараҷа. The wind will be the north, weak and moderate.
Weather for the word
Biomrological terms
The air temperature is 60 to 80 percent. We feel a termination of terminity around the country. Almost everywhere, the weather will have a positive effect on our well-being, only in the southeastern Polish Bioietrological events.
Biological conditions for the application
Weather for Today – Warsaw
There will be a lot of clouds in the sky but the afternoon will be a manure. In the warmeters in the Warmopears we see 12 degrees that blows the weak and stable wind from northwest. Pressure is slightly low, at the afternoon it will be 1005 HPA.
Weather for today – tri
Evented morning seems to be a small deterioration during the day. Thermometers in GDAS 8, GDYYIA and SOPOT shows maximum 13 degrees that the wind will be the north, weak and moderately. Pressure is slightly low, at the afternoon will be 1016 HPA.
Weather for Today – Poznań
On Thursday, small and moderate hunt will be performed in the pipe. Thermometers show up to 14 degrees that the wind will be northwesty, weak and moderate. Pressure will be a little lighter, in the afternoon it will be 1007 HPA.
Weather for Today – Wrockaw
Today, heaven covers the fire of the fire. Will be the second half of the afternoon. On the thermometers, 13 degrees see C. Northern-West, a weak and moderate wind. Pressure is slightly low, at the afternoon it will be 1004 HPA.
Weather for Today – Krakov
Krakow residents are awaiting a cloudy day with possible languages and precipitation. The maximum height will be 10 degrees will be C. Northern-west, weak and moderately. The pressure changes a little, in the legs the mineral posts Poland is 989 HPA.
Road conditions in
Source of Key Photo: Tanya – Tinya / Shrettock