Weather for Today, Ie on Thursday, 6.03. This day will be warm across the country. Displays up to 19 degrees in the warmest moment. Will be the sun.
Thursday makes us a lot of sun. Typically, it will be cloudy only in place of it, the local is a little cloudy. Thermometers show maximum 13 degrees in the northeast, which is at the center of 15-16 degrees, up to 19-16 degrees, up to 19-16 degrees | in the area in the south. The wind will usually be weak and stable and it blows from the southwest. In the mountains and northeast, it will be very strong and its treasures can reach 40-50 kilometers per hour.
Biostetological conditions – Thursday, 6.03
The type of humidity reaches 50-60 percent. It will warm around the country and the weather will have a positive effect on our well-being.
Biological conditions for the application
Weather for Today – Warsaw
On Thursday in Warsaw will be the sunny sun. Clouds, if they appear generally not too much. Thermometers maximum 16 degrees c. The pressure reaches 1010 hpa in the afternoon.
Weather for today – tri
In GDjenia, GDASK and SOPSK, the sun waits for a Thursday. A slightness may occur. Initially we can see a maximum of 14 degrees, the wind is normal and very strong that up to 35-45 km / h. Then the sprouts calm down. At the afternoon, pressure will be 1019 HPA.
Weather for Today – Poznań
In the barn, a cloudy sky foretold for Thursday. The maximum temperature will be 16 degrees. C. The middle and weak wind blows from the southwest. At the afternoon, the boometers will show 1012 HPA.
Weather for Today – Wrockaw
The residents of the junior may be expected on Thursday’s Day forever forever. The maximum temperature reaches the maximum 17 degrees C. The weak sweeth will scatter from changing directions. At the evening we see 1007 HPA on top of ponometer.
Weather for Today – Krakov
In Krakov, Thursday is marked by a cloudy sky. Sometimes a slight eyebrows can be found. In the thermometers we see a maximum 19 degrees C. The weak, changing spring is scattered. At the afternoon, the boometers will show 998 hpa.
Road conditions in
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