The air for today. Tuesday, 11.03 will be preferred along the cloudy noise with clearly and the local rainfall. Chatrum can be useful in the south, east and center of the country. We see up to 16 degrees in the thermostets.
Tuesday is marked by the path of cleaning with cleanliness. In the south, east and the country’s center, raining is possible 1-5 l / sq m. The maximum temperature in the Western Pomerhanium, which is up to 14 degrees, is up to 16 degrees, to 16 degrees, to 16 degrees; It blows from the west, moderate and a very hard period.
Weather for Tues Tues
Biostetological conditions – Tuesday, 11.03
The air temperature will be increased from 70 to 80 percent. In the oscillating temperature around the country or fuel levels of fuel in the country, we will feel TermAC. The weather affects our well-being.
Bioomette conditions in WTORKTVNEO.PL
Weather for Today – Warsaw
Tuesday in Warsaw Aura brings out of silk. The morning and evening can fly. The maximum temperature will be 14 degrees will be C. Western windy, stable and moderate. Ponometers are displayed at noon 987 HPA.
Weather for today – tri
Lots of clouds and cleaning – this weather residents of the field, gdyassa and no Sopo is waiting on Tuesday. In therometers we see a maximum of 10 degrees that are stable from the west. At the afternoon, the pressure will be 1000 HPA.
Weather for Today – Poznań
This will be the same in the pipe, the Aura is also preferred by clouds and more light. The maximum temperature will be 13 degrees to the middle and poor wind. At the afternoon, the boometers will show 990 HPA.
Weather for Today – Wrockaw
The residents of the jetter can cloud with a light with more light on Tuesday, as well as fastest rains. The thermometers are maximum of 14 degrees that blows the weak and moderate wind from the west. At the afternoon, we will see 987 HPAs.
Weather for Today – Krakov
The sky is covered by the Krakov with clouds. Rain is possible but written. In the thermometers we see maximum 16 degrees C. Starable and Western bar. At the afternoon, Barometers will show 975 HPA.
Road conditions on Tues Tues Tues TYNMYETO.PL
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