The air for today. Tuesday 25.03 brings a cloud abuse across the country. In thermostets will be at 11 to 16 o’clock. Biomet proves adverse.
In Poland, Tuesday, there will be a normal and large cloudy. In most regions, it should not rain – rainforestly up to 1-4 liters of rain to 1-square feet, only in the southern city. The maximum level temperature in the Suviva region, up to 14 degrees heat will be up to 16 degrees of fuel in the west. Blossom and stable wind blows from Western directions.
Weather in
Biomrological terms
In all areas of Poland, humidity is about 70 percent, which only in the southern regions is 80 percent. Heat comfort will prevail everywhere. Cleanlies are usually impaired and is impossible in the southern and northwestern part of the country.
Bioomette conditions in WTORKTVNEO.PL
Weather for Today – Warsaw
Cloud Tuesday is foretold in Warsaw. The thermometers will show 13 degrees at the hotest moment C. Simon, weak and stable and moderate. The pressure will be 1003 hpa in the afternoon.
Weather for today – tri
In Josk, Glogs and Sopot, the sky is normal and large. The maximum temperature will be 14 degrees will be C. Northwest wind will be weak and stable. In the afternoon in the mailers we see 1014 HPA.
Weather for Today – Poznań
A Clouda Aura will be superior to Tuesday in the barn. In the thermometers we see the maximum limit of 15 degrees C. Hot and moderate wind blows from the west. At the afternoon, the boometers will show 1005 hpa.
Weather for Today – Wrockaw
Tuesday promises to be cloudy with possible rainy rains. Thermometers refer to 15 degrees that the wind will be weak and moderately, north. The pressure will be 1002 HPA in the afternoon.
Weather for Today – Krakov
Tuesday brings clouds to residents of Krakov. It can rain briefly. The temperature blows as a maximum of 14 degrees, weak and moderate wind from northwest. We’ll see 990 hpa, the pants in the afternoon.
Main Source: Arthatex.orex.orex.orva / Longtock