Weather for tomorrow IE on Sunday, 23.03. At night, gradually there appears a cloudy growth in places, rain and snow rain. During the day, the precipitations will wander in the country.
The first night, in most of the country, it will be cloudy in most of the country. There are only places, especially in the north, are still stable. During night, from the south, a cloud cover is gradually large and large. At the end of its south there is a total amount of 2-5 liters per square meter and in the raining mountains with snow. The minimum temperature at least 0-1 degrees are placed in the podlasie (local frost), up to 5-6 degrees in southern 2-6 degrees. The wind from the eastern directions are usually moderate. It becomes very strong in the northern belt to reach up to 40-50 kilometers per hour.
Weather in
Weather for tomorrow – Sunday 23.03
On Sundays, at first the ashes will be a small gray during the day, which will be moderate and grow up. In the southern and central part of Poland, cloudy and complete. On this day, the precipitations from the south to the capital, to the contractual line – Warsaw – Baogist during the day. The precipitations will usually be permanent. The center includes to 2-5 l / sq / sq. and in the south and southeast to 5-10 l / sq. In the evening, the storms appear in southern the country. The probability of the fact that they form 30 percent.
Thermometers show maximum 9-11 degrees with part of the country 9-11 degrees (on the beach at 7-14 degrees, in the northwest. The wind will be moderately and very strong, sad, sorrow, sorrow, east and east. In the northern line, the squares can accelerate 45-55 km / h to speed up and in the mountainous area, at the mountainous areas of the southern regions – 60 km / h.
Weather for Niedziellę
Biomett conditions – Sunday 23.03
The weather will be 70-90 percent during the day. We feel a termination of terminity around the country. The biological terms is called the country’s southern half, neutral – in half of the north.
Biomette conditions in the bid
Weather for Night – Warsaw
At night in Warsaw, the eyelue in the beginning will be a slightly slightly, and it will be moderately and grow. The temperature will be at least 3-4 degrees C. East, a moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate, moderate, and very hard, reaching 30-40 kilograms. The pressure will be 1005 hpa in the middle of the night and fell.
Weather for Tomorrow – Warsaw
On Sunday, moderate and large clouds in the wapled wars, growing until the day. The second half of the day, the heavy rains waiting to wait with a small break. The thermometers show maximum 10-11 degrees and an East and East and East German, moderate and strong cycles, throwing up 35-45 km / h. Pressure continues autumn, at nozes at the afternoon reaches 1000 HPA.
Weather in the night – Gdańs, Gdyyia, Sopot
Night at GDAS 8, GDYYia and SOPT promises to be a happy. In our thermometer we see 2-3 degrees that we are a popular, moderate and very strong wind and reaches 35-45 km / h. The pressure will be 1021 HPA in midnight and falls.
Weather for Tomorrow – Gdańsk, Gdyyia, Sopot
Hope’s residents, GDYYia and SOPT waits on Sunday, small and moderate gray, in the middle days to moderate and then grow. The temperature will reach 10-11 degrees in the warmest moment of the day c. The moderate period, moderate and very strong periods, adds to 35-45 kms in the spray. Pressure continues autumn in the afternoon reaches 1015 HPA.
Weather for the night – pbznań
At night there will be a small gray on the figure, which will later grows normal. The temperature of at least 3-4 degrees, the eastern, moderate and very strong, leaves 30-40 kilometers 30-40 kilometers. The pressure will be 1008 hpa in the middle of the night and fell.
Weather for tomorrow – poznań
On Sunday in the pipe, a moderate hunting is intended to be a large. In the second part of the day, weak rainfall is possible. On the thermometers we see a maximum of 11-12 degrees, C. Eastern winds and windows, moderate and very strong winds. The spreads can reach 35-45 km / h. Pressure continues autumn, at the afternoon it reaches 1003 hpa.
Weather for the night – the opponent
The night inside the drown will first bring to a small ashes that will later grind into a large. The thermometers 4-5 degree of 4-5 East levels, first too strong, in the wizards to cover 30-40 km / h. The pressure will be 997 HPA in the middle of the night and fell.
Weather for tomorrow – Wrockaw
Before the residents of the jetter, on Sunday with a low decline. In the second part of the day, low rain expectations. The temperature will be a maximum 10-11 degree will be C. The wind will be east, will be moderate. Pressure continues autumn, at noon at the afternoon reaches 992 HPA.
Weather in the night – Krakov
The night at Krakow, small and moderate, growing and growing, increases. PD the end of the night it’s possibly raining. The minimum temperature is at least 4-6 degrees C. East, modered wind. The pressure will be 987 HPA in the middle of the night and fell.
Weather for tomorrow – Krakov
Sunday has a clouda cloudy with precipitation. The thermometers show maximum of 11-12 Eastern level, will be slow and moderate at the end of the day. Pressure continues autumn, at the afternoon reaches 983 HPA.
Work conditions in Ninazilaę
Main photos: Brian / Inspection