Questions about the Condor program will return. According to the name of pride, it should be added to the fact that this fact was boiled to the new helicopter. He started the paper five years ago and seems to no one to do it.
SH-2G helicopters allowing ships to be completed soon. It doesn’t exist for a long time. The New Exchange Program has started five years ago, called the Kondor Name, but all about it, including the head of the Ministry of Defense Błaszzak. – If we continue to rule, it says on the helicoptering helicopters – he says.
No declared in the event of a meeting of None – for many years of ruling of the people. – First, to present the coat from the helicoptered from this helicopter, while he became weakened in some points, the Monłukasz zalesiński from “Monthasz Zalesiński from” Polska “. In the Ministry of Defense, conceptual and conceptual works are being continued, believes that Polande Polsy Poley Poley is not secure from the ORAMAMAGS Agency.
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The analysis lasts the fifth year. For four years, three new enterprises as part of the Magazick’s program part includes services each year. The problem is that no one will give them now. The power to blame his predecessor. – For multiple multi -pract helicopters, which sorry, we are unfortunately, unfortunately, the Minister of National Defense and Deputy Prime Minister.
Schinna’s sinus on Balti sea. “We have to watch all the time because the enemy will never sleep” Arthur Micta / Fuck Thtn
Under the Condor program will not be a new wheel
Helicopters were not important for me, they are very important for the army. – I explained attention to the helicopters that were an armed perspective of Poland Poland Public Policy, which in 2017 Barosz Castosz was a national defense.
Sh-2G can be determined by substant ships, but not just. – They can show them from the horizon, which is very important from the point of view of the ship’s crew, because the ship’s crew rades are not yet yet won’t yet do not yet do not yet do not yet do not yet come – says Enukasz Zalesiński.
Recently, in the sea aviation is equipped with four new wheeled four. But they don’t ride on the ship. – they are just too big and heavy
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General employees answer the “facts” questions that helicopters will not be near the Condor program. Cars should be selected as part of a new delivery program. – I am correcting a lot after my predecessors – to ensure the national defense minister.
The Polish army has four T-2G helicopters. Are not all functional. Their young people were produced by 30 years ago.
Main photos: Fakty Thann