The world's second largest diamond was discovered in Botswana (Credit: Lucara Diamond/CC-BY-SA-2.0)
On August 22, 2024, Lucara Diamonds revealed the discovery of a gigantic 2,492 carat diamond in Botswana. The gem is the second largest ever discovered and the largest found in the country of South Africa. The largest diamond ever discovered was the 3,106 carat Cullinan diamond, which was discovered in South Africa in 1905.
“We are thrilled with the recovery of this incredible 2,492 carat diamond,” said William Lamb, president and CEO of Lucara Diamonds.
The yet-to-be-named stone was discovered using X-ray technology at the Karowe mine, a relatively small mine known for producing very large diamonds, including the 1,758-carat Sewero diamond. Once recognized as the second-largest diamond in the world, it was sold to French fashion house Louis Vuitton for an undisclosed amount in 2019.
The diamond is small enough to fit in the palm of an adult's hand. (Credit: Lucara Diamond/ CC-BY-SA-2.0)
It will take several months for experts to determine the value of the latest find, but the gem is expected to be worth tens of millions of dollars. Like most large diamonds, it will likely be cut into smaller gems.
For example, the Cullinan Diamond was split into nine large gems and nearly 100 smaller gems. Two of the largest stones are part of the British Crown Jewels. The 530.2-carat Cullinan I was added to the Scepter with Cross in 1910, which has been used at every coronation since Charles II became King in 1661. The 317-carat Cullinan II is the centerpiece of the Imperial State Crown; Queen Elizabeth II wears it at the annual State Opening of Parliament.
The nine great gems of the Cullinan Diamond (Credit: Author unknown – Plate X, Cullinan (1908)/ Public domain/
Diamonds are formed when carbon atoms are compressed under high pressure deep underground. This process occurs more than 93 miles (150 km) deep, where temperatures exceed 2,000°F (1,093°C). Over time, diamonds are carried closer to the surface by volcanic eruptions. Scientists believe that most natural diamonds are at least 1 billion years old, with some even being more than 3 billion years old.