The search for Marcin Romanovsky, who is suspected of violations in the Justice Fund, continues. According to the prosecutor's office, the following charges include: embezzlement of the suspect's property in the form of money totaling over PLN 107 million and attempted embezzlement of over PLN 58 million. – I believe that officials can make mistakes in the course of their activities, provided that they have good intentions, – said Marek Jakubiak from the Free Republicans group on the “Tlit” program when asked about the Romanovsky case. The politician repeated that the Justice Fund is for the purchase, including: fire trucks. Michal Wroblewski, in turn, emphasized that this money was also used to illegally finance the election campaign of politicians of the previous government. – People are looking for money for good work. Well, that's what a deputy is for, that's why he has his activity, he should do everything he can for his district, make the district richer, so that the subsidy goes this way and not the other way. This is a parliamentary competition, – said Yakubiak.
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