The Regulatory Commission will submit a proposal to Seim to accept the request of the Pegasus Investigative Committee to agree to the detention of MP Zbigniew Ziobro and his forcible removal to a meeting of the Seim Investigative Committee, the chairman said.
More details will be announced soon
Zbigniew Ziobro before the regulatory commission. There will be a decision on the application to Sejm
The regulatory commission began its deliberations on Tuesday. However, Zbigniew Ziobro, who was summoned, appeared at the meeting almost 20 minutes later. The proceedings became tense from the beginning.
The parliamentary commission of inquiry into Pegasus summoned Ziobro four times to testify as a witness, but the politician consistently failed to appear in court. The team members therefore requested the prosecutor's office to appoint an expert to investigate the health status of the former minister. of justice.
The opinion stated that the lawmaker could appear at the hearing, but he refused, citing illness and the September 10 Constitutional Court ruling. For this reason, the Commission sent a request to the Attorney General to agree to the detention and forcible removal of Mr. Ziobro, which would require the lifting of his immunity by Seim.
During the committee's deliberations, opposition members argued that the Pegasus Commission does not actually exist and referred to the Constitutional Court's ruling. Meanwhile, ruling party politicians have repeatedly stressed that PiS politicians have nothing to worry about as long as they have nothing to hide. – Since the coalition government came to power on December 13, we have been dealing with demonstrative and ostentatious behavior of law-breaking and criminal acts by representatives of the ruling party, – said Ziobro, adding that if Seim If they adopt a resolution that is in line with the law, he added. Following the recommendation of the Constitutional Court, he will appear before the commission.
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