Zyglyst Aldorz reported in a statement sent on Tuesday. He stated that he still controlled and managed the companies, among others.
“First of all, no court has attached my property. Second, I still, I still controlled and managed my companies, including .
ZyGlunt Alorz statement
He noted that the companies in Lieuentestein and Lichtenstein are in legal proceedings regarding the established foundations.
“The argument goes briefly to the person who oversees the board of the Foundation
He noted that on October 26, the court in Leytenteen Akhori adopted a temporary decision on the foundation trial. The court appointed the Curator of the trial contest (instead of another Liechtenstein lawyer who was on the Foundation Board), became the Chairman of the Foundation Board. He also decided that in the board of education, instead of the chairman, they still remain, as in several years, Tomasz SceląG and Katarzyanayanana katarzya tomczuk. There are 3 people in the Council for a few months.
“On the basis of long-term security, both I and my children will not change in the Research Council, nor will they change the foundation's statutes. And the situation in which changes cannot be proposed to the Foundation Council, which will remain in September and must maintain the status quo,” he wrote .
“Recently, the board of both of my foundations – already in the new curation board – paid the first benefit to me as a profit about the profit from the foundation from the foundation that was implemented, and the foundation councils were implemented. I had a position in favor of I will remain the real of the two in solidarity entered in the list of beneficiaries.
Zygment Solorzmarkov Gadomski / PAP
Court decision
When the table was told on Tuesday morning, the court in Lievertenstein decided to enter the base into the Zygrunt Algorz Foundation. This means that both solor and eney kulka cannot make key decisions in the Pollsat group. The verdict in this case was published on October 26, but it was kept secret.
As reported, the Court of the Duchy of Lievertensteite appointed an independent Curator, who obtained a favorable vote on the issues of the two foundations, through which the sovereign controls his property in Poland.
The next hearing will be held in February, but the entire process with appeals can take up to three years.
Read more: Back to conflicts in a healthy family. The court decided in Liverenschein >>>
Solrz children statement
Children's chefs of Soldor submitted a statement on this matter to “Gazetta Wyborcza”.
“Zygust adorz children continue to deteriorate the property of their parents in an effort to prevent him from controlling the control of the family property. Currently, the property that protects the expected children thanks to the security provisions. By the courts in Cyprus and Lietenstein given, “written” written “.
It was also emphasized that the provisions in the Liectentiny, which indirectly control Polish companies, are currently able to be based on the principles established by the court established in Ligteenschen.
“First of all, the current rights of ZYGNNINT ALORZ: (i) the appointment of members of the Board of Trustees (III) to the Foundation Council and (ii) the approval of the Foundation Council of the Foundation Council, unholy pain – were suspended.”
TOBIAS Solorz, paytir żak foton / PAP
Zyglunt Zyglunt Altorz and discussion over the development
Zyglunt Zyglunt is one of the richest boxes, the founder and the main shareholder of the polo plus group. Bahnubor continues to talk about development in his immediate environment. In March 2024, the year 2024 was celebrated, and according to the media – according to which the children of billions and Alexandra and Petrova are fighting for their property.
On August 2, a statement of ALDARIHOS was signed, in which the key foundations of TILO and the media and telecommunications business for ownership – including Polsat, Polekel, Netia) and Solkomtel (focusing on energy enterprises). Both are registered in Liechtenstein.
According to the media, a day later the billionaire wanted to abandon this decision and inform his two sons at the meeting. Children of Solorzol are – according to media reports – that decision of the Father under the influence of enea kuka. On August 13, he signed another aggressive statement in which he denied the legal effect of the transfer of ownership to Soloriass to AITORISA and Pitlandra and Pitlandra, because “under the influence of error due to trickery.”
Between the nobleman and his children to the court judge, which is registered in Livechteenstein, I.E., where both productions are registered. – Children deny their fathers the right to change their minds. At the moment, the most important thing is to prevent the assets of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and SolKomtel until the end of the assessment dispute – said the lawyer of AVN.
On September 23, in letters to the directors of the children's group, Solin warned that people who want to control will be carefully accepted by the instructions of the people who have obtained this respect. “
On September 26, he announced measures to dismiss children from controlled companies. Shortly after the two birthday boys lost control boards by Pak, Netia, polkomtel and digital polloat.
Main photo source: Marscin Gadomski / Pap